PROBAT's global business activities are subject to various international legal regulations, internal guidelines, and self-imposed standards of conduct. These form the basis for our responsible corporate action. Consistent compliance with all relevant laws, regulations and voluntary commitments is PROBAT's top priority. The guiding principle is to protect employees from misconduct, promote legally compliant behavior and minimize risks.
All PROBAT employees adhere to the principle of cooperation in a spirit of partnership and respect the dignity and personality of each employee. The positive working atmosphere in the company reflects this behavior. Equal opportunities and tolerance round off the corporate culture lived at PROBAT, which is an indispensable prerequisite for the economic success of the company at the same time.
PROBAT rejects corrupt and otherwise illegal behavior and does not stand to tolerate such conduct. The company's anti-corruption guideline contains corresponding principles that are equally binding for all executives, employees, and business partners. PROBAT also adheres to the principles of the European Data Protection Basic Regulation. In particular legality, earmarking, transparency and factual accuracy are paramount when handling personal data. The principles laid down in the company policy, the Code of Conduct and the Anti-Corruption Policy are also anchored in our supply chain and summarized in the Supplier Code. Every business partner undertakes to comply with them by working with PROBAT.