We have noted that the information on the following pages being made accessible to us is partly confidential and for internal use only and that the documents in question are specifically marked das such.
We (the management and all staff members) will make no other use of the aforementioned information and above all will not make it accessible to customers, interested parties or other third parties.
All confidential documents which are marked accordingly are to be treated in the strictest confidence. Without the prior written consent of PROBAT, the information is not to be used for any purpose other than that intended internally with specific regard to PROBAT´s relationship with its accredited partners.
We will make the confidential information of PROBAT on the following pages available only to those employees who need to know it in order to execute their duties as part of the cooperation with PROBAT and will commit said employees to compliance with the confidentiality obligation of that same content.
* Pflichtfeld